“Simply the best. John Belsey is the best candidate to be one of our Vice Presidents.”
Lord Peter Booth, Chairman of the National Convention
Click here to see why more people across our Party are backing John.
Why John Belsey is standing for Vice President:
John is a senior volunteer within our party, he is currently Chairman of the South East Region and sits on the party’s membership and audit committees. John is experienced enough to understand the party structure at all levels but promises to deliver a fresh perspective to the party board as a clarion voice for volunteers. For more than 20 years John has given thousands of hours voluntarily to the party and if successfully elected he will commit to give the job his full attention both at the board and committee level but just as importantly out on the ground supporting our Associations, areas and regions campaigning and at our vital fund-raising events.
John really understands the voluntary party and that is nothing without its amazing members who loyally give so much unstintingly to the party. We all know that the party is going through a very difficult time and many members, candidates and activists are still feeling very disappointed and hurt by the tough general election result. Whilst the leadership contest will help determine the direction of our parliamentary party the National Convention elections are vital to ensure that the grass roots voices are heard and properly represented at board level.
John fully agrees with the need for a root and branch review of our Party structure so that we position the Party in the best place possible to be campaign-ready, starting from the local elections in 2025. These will be a critical set of elections for us which need huge Party focus. Whilst inputting into the review on all aspects of Party governance, John’s other priorities include:
- Full review of the candidate list and selection process so it is more transparent to Associations and candidates with early selections being a priority;
- Improved communication between CCHQ, our Regional and Area teams and our Associations improving trust and relationships at all levels seeking for mutual co-operation, support and respect between the professional and voluntary party;
- Providing a defined induction programme for new Association Chairmen so they understand the party structure, roles and responsibilities and to listen to Chairmen, Areas and Regions to understand what they need from the party so they feel supported in their roles;
- Better communication to members with fewer donation requests, emails being of an appropriate tone and always making sure that members are at the forefront of decision making
- Improving member experience at conference in terms of opportunities to make their case at conference and preserving important networking and social opportunities such as regional receptions.
- Ensuring that the membership of our party starts to increase again, that this is a party we can be proud to be members of whatever our background and that the party and the party’s membership reflect the diversity of our great country.
John has the necessary skills and enthusiasm, energy and positivity to look to ensure we can achieve all the above helping the party get back on track to ensure it is once again a political party that we are all proud to represent. Together, working as a team at all levels of the party, we can ensure the party once again becomes a reenergised political force that will ensure we return a Conservative government that can look to achieve great things for our country.